Ted Simons from North Carolina State University and colleagues put recordings of frogs, like this wood frog, [ Wood Frog sound] in the field to test the volunteers. 北卡罗来纳州立大学的泰德西蒙斯(TedSimons)及其同事将蛙鸣录了下来,好比现在播放的树蛙的鸣声,对志愿者们进行实地测试。
A Brief Review on Advance of Wood Frog s Research in China and Discussing the Importance of Studying the Wood Frog Biodiversity around Bohai 我国林蛙的研究概况和开展环渤海区域林蛙多样性研究的意义
Studies on the Bait in Raising the Tadpole of Wood Frog 东北林蛙蝌蚪试养中饵料的初步研究